Maintenance Support Aviation PT. OTOMAN INDONESIA


Maintenance and Support

Maintenance and Support for Product and repairing product for Aviation Produck CNS/ATM. PT. OTOMAN INDONESIA has repair for COMSOFT AIDA ATC System and RAYTHEON ATC Simulator Product. We integration for Honeywell System on Aircraft for Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute.

The Maintenance Technician program draws from AIM’s core coursework in professional maintenance fields, introducing the student to electricity, surfaces and controls, transportation structures, power systems, hydraulics, and electrical control systems. The student is also guided in following process procedures, adequately documenting maintenance procedures within forms and records, ensuring a safe and compliant working environment, and developing skills as a maintenance professional.

For more information Maintenance Repairing and Installation for Every System please contact :


Maintenance Support Aviation PT. OTOMAN INDONESIA Services dan Pemeliharaan Penerbangan


Pemeliharaan dan Perbaikan Peralatan

Pemeliharaan dan Dukungan untuk Produk dan perbaikan produk untuk Aviation Produck CNS / ATM. PT. OTOMAN INDONESIA memiliki perbaikan untuk Sistem ATS COMSOFT AIDA dan Produk Simulator RAYTHEON ATC. Kami berintegrasi dengan Honeywell System on Aircraft for Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute.

Program Teknisi Pemeliharaan berasal dari kursus inti AIM di bidang perawatan profesional, memperkenalkan siswa untuk listrik, permukaan dan kontrol, struktur transportasi, sistem tenaga, hidrolika, dan sistem kontrol listrik. Siswa juga dibimbing dalam mengikuti prosedur proses, mendokumentasikan prosedur perawatan secara memadai dalam bentuk dan catatan, memastikan lingkungan kerja yang aman dan patuh, dan mengembangkan keterampilan sebagai profesional pemeliharaan.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut Pemeliharaan Perbaikan dan Instalasi untuk Setiap Sistem, silakan hubungi:


Layanan dan Pemeliharaan Penerbangan PT. OTOMAN INDONESIA Layanan dan Pemeliharaan Penerbangan

Electrical Maintenance

Electrical maintenance covers all aspects of testing, monitoring, fixing, and replacing elements of an electrical system. Usually performed by a licensed professional with a complete knowledge of the National Electric Code and local regulations, electrical maintenance covers areas as diverse as:

– Digital communication
– Electrical machines
– Generators
– Hydraulics
– Lighting systems
– Pneumatics
– Surge protection
– Transformers.

With an increased reliance on both data collection and machinery run by computer software, electrical maintenance is more vital than ever. The failure of a single component in the electrical system can cause extensive downtime or data loss.

For more information contact :

Direct call :
+62 811 244 9889